06. Rytuały: Tańce i Święta

  • - Jakie rytuały można przeprowadzać w Tentlan?
    Istnieją dwa rodzaje rytuałów: jeden to tańce drugi jest znany jako święta.
    Tańce służą do zmian pór roku, a Święta do aktywacji określonych efektów.

    - Jak mogę zmienić pory roku w Tentlan?
    Idź do Świątyni Księżyca i kliknij na zdjęcie pory roku, którą chcesz uaktywnić, a następnie naciśnij przycisk "Przeprowadź rytuał":

    W ten sposób rozpoczyna się rytuał. Jak tylko się zakończy, zmieni się pora roku, co oznacza, że od tego momentu wpływ nowego sezonu ma zastosowanie do danego miasta. Po zakończeniu rytuału zmieni się też ikona na belce surowców:

    - Do czego potrzebne są pory roku?

    Odpowiednia pora roku może być wymagana dla badania, budynku lub święta. Poza tym, każda pora roku oznacza zalety i wady w zakresie produkcji zasobów, rekrutacji wojska, czasu badania technologii i konstrukcji budynków, itd. Z tego powodu warto zmieniać pory roku, w celu uzyskania pewnych korzyści dla miasta.

    Znajdziesz opis wszystkich pór roku i ich efektów w Świątyni Księżyca. Kliknięcie na zdjęcie sezonu otworzy przegląd, gdzie wymienione są zalety i wady pory roku, jak na obrazku poniżej:

    - Rozwijam technologię dla której jest potrzebna odpowiednia pora roku. Czy muszę czekać do zakończenia badania, czy mogę zmienić sezon w międzyczasie?
    Jeżeli zamówienie jest już w toku, można zmienić porę roku, nie trzeba czekać do zakończenia zlecenia. Liczy się moment rozpoczęcia rytuału, nie koniec.

    Tłumaczenie dzięki uprzejmości @Makro

  • 6.2. Feasts

    - What are Feasts and what do I need them for?

    Feasts are rituals that allow activating special effects in the game. A Feast consists of two parts: the first part is the ritual that you start in the Moon Temple, and the second part is the effect of the ritual (for example, double speed for all units for a limited period of time).

    There are four Feasts in Tentlan that activate the following effects:

    - Fire Feast: double strength for all units in a selected city
    - Lightning Feast: double speed for all units in a selected city.
    - Kantepec Feast: allows moving troops to any location on the world map without corn expenses.
    - Oracle Feast: allows viewing on/off status of any player for 15 minutes.

    - Where can I perform Feasts?

    In the Moon Temple, same as other rituals (Dances)

    - What is the difference between Feasts and other rituals (Dances)?

    Both Feasts and Dances consist of two parts: the first part is the ritual as such that you start in the Moon Temple. The second part constitutes the effect of a certain ritual, which (e.g. double strength for all units) takes place after a ritual has been performed.

    In the case of Dances, the effects (of winter, summer, etc.) continue till you perform a new ritual to change the current season. It is different for Feasts: while the first part, that means, the ritual remains the same, the Feast effects are valid just for a limited time. Once that time is over, the Feast effects are no longer valid. It means, there is no need to perform a new ritual in order to change the effects, since they are limited by time.

    - What do I need to perform Feasts?

    For the Fire Feast and the Lightning Feast, you need to meet their respective requirements that you'll find in the Moon Temple. Click on the icon of each ritual to view the details.

    The Cantepek Feast and the Oracle Feast are currently only available during the time of in-game events. To perform these Feasts, you'll need to collect a certain amount of crystals.

    - Is there any cooldown for performing Feasts?
    Yes, the Fire Feast and the Lightning Feast can be activated once every two weeks. You can reduce the cooldown through researching Cosmology.

    - What is the duration time of each Feast?

    - The Lightning Feast and the Fire Feast last between 10 minutes and 1 hour, their duration time is always determined randomly.
    - The Cantepec Feast and the Oracle Feast last 15 minutes.

    - How do I know that a Feast has been activated in my city?

    When a ritual ends, a feast icon and a countdown timer will be displayed:

    This means that a feast (in this case, the Fire Feast) is acitve, and that it ends in 20 min 52 sec.

    - Can I activate several Feasts at the same time?

    No, you cannot activate more than one feast at a time. If you activate a second feast while the first one is still active, then the first feast will automatically end. It means that one feast would replace the other.

    - Is it possible to extend the effects of a Feast?

    Yes, there are a premium options called Kauil items in the shop (section "Rituals") that extend a feast for another 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and 30 minutes. In order for any of these items to be used, you must have an active feast in your city. It is possible to extend each active feast up to three times using the Kauil items.

    - Do the effects of any Feast apply to all cities of one game account, or just to one city in which that Feast is active?

    The effects of any feast only apply to the city where that particular feast is active.

    - When activating the Fire Feast, what troops will get +100% strength: those that I sent off for a raid, or those that remain in the city? Or both?

    Both attacking and defending troops (i.e. those that remain in the city) will fight with 100% more strength.

    - Do I need the Fire Feast only when I wish to attack someone?

    In most cases yes, but not necessarily. It can also be used for defense, since all troops of a city in which the Fire Feast is active, will get +100% strength. If you are attacked while the Fire Feast is active in your city, your troops will have +100% strength just the same.

    - I performed the Fire Feast (Lightning Feast) quest, but the quest is not recognized as completed. Why?

    A common problem is not accepting the reward while the Fire (Lightning) Feast is active. You need to click on "OK" in the quest window while the feast is active, not afterwards. That is, you start performing the ritual in the Moon Temple, and as soon as it ends, the feast will be activated. When it is active,the feast image and the countdown timer will be displayed:

    It is during this time when the quest must be accepted (click on "OK") in order to be recognized.

    Here are the steps to pass the Fire Feast (or Lightning feast) quest:
    - Receive the Fire Feast quest (so it appears as pending on the left)
    - Perform the Fire Feast ritual
    - Once the Fire Feast effects start, and before they are over, click on the quest icon and accept the reward.