Cannot manually enter numbers from keyboard

  • I cannot enter numbers from my keyboard for anything -- selecting coordinates, resource or troop amounts to move. This is a serious problem. If I get spied or attacked I will not be able to move anything. For example, just trying to select 180,000 of one resource using the arrows on the text boxes would take nearly three hours alone. I have tried this on multiple browsers with the same result.

  • I confirm the issue with additional information :

    Entering numbers is working well with the keypad on the right of the keyboards but not with the numbers on top.
    I tried both with shift and without shift key (Qwerty/Azerty).

    If i can remember the key id value is not different but for Azerty keyboard, the fact that the shift need to be pressed can affect the script behind.

  • We just issued a hotfix that addresses this problem, please check again and report back if it looks better :) Criocaps was right in that this was an issue with the Azerty keyboard layout, kudos for that observation :)