Barbarian refresh

  • Is there any particular rhyme or reason to the refreshing of barbarians? e.g. do the refresh rates correspond to the barbarians looted in the last cycle, or is there some ratio of each level that is adhered to?
    There seems to be a glut of low-level barbarians, probably because people outgrow them so quickly, and conversely there is a shortage of the higher ones.
    I do understand that new people can join at any time and need the low levels at first, but as more and more people achieve the higher levels there is too much competition for them. It is frustrating to spy, see that the barbarian is full, send your troops to it, and when they arrive a few moments later, find someone else got there first.
    I also find that the distribution seems to be lumpy, a lot of them concentrated in a small area with large open spaces between.
    This is particularly noticeable on Beta but I'm sure I will see it on Tulum before long.

  • Barbarian camps are refreshed approximately every 2 hours. There used to be fixed hours some time ago, but this is no longer the case.
    Currently they are refreshed whenever a certain percentage of the barbarians in an area have been looted, at least once.

  • My question wasn't about the timing but the makeup.e.g. If 10 level 6 barbarians are looted, are 10 new level 6s put there when they are refreshed? If 0 level 1 barbarians are looted, are any new level 1s put there?
    In other words, is there a ratio being observed that is based on activity or based on some other thing?

  • My question wasn't about the timing but the makeup.e.g. If 10 level 6 barbarians are looted, are 10 new level 6s put there when they are refreshed? If 0 level 1 barbarians are looted, are any new level 1s put there?
    In other words, is there a ratio being observed that is based on activity or based on some other thing?

    More or less, there's a certain fixed amount of villages per level and region that there should be, and each refresh takes care of maintaining this ratio stable. This does mean that for every level 6 barbarian village that is looted, a new level 6 village will appear when the refresh takes place; only it won't be exactly at the same spot as the previous one. But it's also currently not based on activity or server level but fixed for everyone.

  • OK, thanks Moho. It would be nice if the ratios kept pace with the average level of the players on the server, as the competition gets fiercer for the higher levels.Perhaps down the road that could be figured out somehow, though it isn't as important as the other things that need fixing.