Zapomniane Hasło / Forgotten Password

  • Witam, dziś napisała do mnie koleżanka ponieważ nie może zalogować się na grę, pamięta wszystkie dane (hasło, nick, e-mail) jednak ma "błąd" próbował nawet odzyskać hasło jednak bez skutku, na wskazany adres e-mail nie przychodzi żadna wiadomość, z ciekawości sprawdziłem to na serwerze en9.tentlan gdzie również mam konto, i jakie było moje zdziwienie że po mimo poprawnego adresu e-mail, nie otrzymałem żadnej wiadomości, nie wiem czy to błąd czy o co chodzi jednak trzeba by to załatwić jak najszybciej, tym bardziej że gracz może wszystko stracić, dodam że jakiś czas temu również miałem błąd z hasłem, całe szczęście byłem zalogowany na innym komputerze, co się okazało moje hasło zostało zamienione na hasło z innego serwera, i nie sam nie zmieniałem tego hasła, bardzo proszę o zajęcie się sprawą, nie pisze tego do supportu bo na odpowiedź można czekać od paru godzin do wieczności . . .

    Hello, today wrote me a friend because it can not log into the game, remember all the data (password, nick, email) but has a "bug" even tried to recover the password but without effect, the indicated email address is not There is no message, I was curious to check it on the server en9.tentlan where I also have an account, and what was my surprise that after despite a valid email address, I did not receive any news, I do not know if it is a mistake or what is the point but it would have to As soon as possible, the more that the player can lose everything, I will add that some time ago also had a password error, luckily I was logged on another computer, which turned out my password was converted to a password from another server, and I did not change it myself Password, very please to address the matter, do not write this to support because the answer can wait from a few hours to eternity. . .

  • Hi Sevral, yes, there was a mail from your friend about this, and from what I see, the ticket has already been answered. We need to communicate about this via the support@ line direclty with your friend (which we do), we cannot do it on the forum because it involves data check.

    If you despite a valid email address don't receive a reset password link, you need to check the spam folder. If there is nothing in the spam folder, then may be at some point in time you clicked on the link to discontiue receiving messages from the game: if so, the game no longer recognizes your email address.
    In any case, if there is any problem with login or reset password function, shot us a mail to indicating player name and the game server, and we'll help.

  • Thanks for the reply, probably the server does not recognize the e-mail address, as I wrote earlier I checked it on the en9.tentlan server and despite the correct address I did not receive the link, but I also checked it on other servers I play, de9.tentlan and pl5.tentlan And here I have received a link with a redirect to change the password, e-mail I have the same on all servers,