Kabah int11 error

  • hola bien, el servidor Kabah int11 ha estado funcionando mal y durante toda una semana no se pueden cancelar los ataques porque se pilla el servidor. No se puede mover tropas antes de un ataque entrante porque también se detiene el servidor, si van a seguir abriendo servidores al menos que funcionen porque no es el único que va o ha ido mal. En otros servidores que jugué, pasaron cosas parecidas, esto te tira para atras cuando se trata de atacar o defender.

    Si empiezan a arreglar los defectos, te lo agradeceríamos.

    Saludos gracias


    hello well, the server Kabah int11 has been working badly and during a whole week the attacks can not be canceled because the server is caught. You can not move troops before an incoming attack because it also stops the server, if they are going to keep opening servers unless they work because it is not the only one that goes or has gone wrong. In other servers that I played, similar things happened, this throws you back when it comes to attacking or defending.

    If they begin to fix the defects, we would appreciate it.

    Greetings thank you
