les cristaux de bacabs

  • hello , nous sommes le 20/07 , j'ai fait mes barbares et point de cristaux à l'horizon .... Bug ou inattention de ma part ?
    Merci :D

  • :)

    The Bacabs' Crystals returns! - Summer 2021

    Hier, 11:54

    Hello Ahaus,

    It's that time of the year again for the Bacabs' Crystals!

    During this event, barbarian villages will drop mysterious crystals of
    diverse colors when raided. Collect them, and you'll be able to trade
    them for Amazon Warriors and Nahuals, as well as the Kantepec and Oracle feasts!

    The Bacabs' Crystals will be active from 20 July 2021 to 22 August 2021 CET. Read all the details here: