Posts by Gramma Pat


    As a (Senior) Frontend Engineer, you would be working directly on the codebase of our games and take part in a challenging, sprawling project to design, revamp and rewrite frontend functionality into a new, unreleased mobile version of the backbone of our games using a pure web stack. Javascript/Browser performance will be tested and pushed, as we aim for an UX that feels fluid, responsive and native-like, while sticking to a strict web stack.

    A job posting for them Nov. 2022.…-m-full-time-remote-18797

    google lionmoon. You get German business directories that tell all about the company. Two managers, two shareholders, new (2021) head office location. Lionmoon is a publicly registered company.

    There are only two managers of the company, male and female, and two shareholders. They have been at it for ten years, same old same old day in day out day after day week after week month after month year after year for ten years. You connect the dots.

    Tentlan does not do math very well. It gets easily confused by numbers. Espionage has always been more probability and luck than a set formula.

    I suspect mergers are a business decision. When the remaining players no longer continue to buy turquoise, it is time to use the infrastructure for a new server that will generate more income.

    The Barbarian Village has to be level 1, no higher, for the tutorial. Look for a level 1 barbarian near you. If you try attacking any higher level barbarian city, you will lose. I think that is why the tutorial will not let you attack.

    Thankyou, didju, for the response and the graphic. Unfortunately, it is not clear. It shows your troops returning, but you have blacked out the 'origin'. If they are returning from one of your cities, or an allied tambo, that is proof. But if they are just returning from a spy mission, or a resource transfer to an ally, it does not address the question. By the way, YPG123, wrong server. She is on her server, I am on mine. There have been no crystals on the server she is on. There is a LOT of misinformation, misleading information, and downright wrong information on the board, some of it deliberate obfuscation. Some of it is a deliberate attempt to intimidate. That is why I am asking for a response from an administrator, or a clear unambiguous example.

    You can't prove a negative, and the only way to disprove a negative is to DEMONSTRATE a positive. No one has yet stated "I have SEEN a Nahual report that shows troop movements between your cities' or 'I have SEEN a Nahual report that shows troop movements to and from a tambo'. Players that I have asked this question to SAY the Nahual report shows these movements because they assumed it, or they have been told it, but NONE can say they have actually SEEN an example.

    Thank you for the response, but it is not clear on the additional information I am missing. I know that it shows the number of troops and resources with the troops ON AN ATTACK. Including any troops in a joint tambo attack. What I want to know specifically is, does it show troop movements BETWEEN YOUR CITIES and does it show troop movements TO AN ALLIED TAMBO. Since these are not attack troop movements, do they show up in a nahual report? All examples I have seen, show troop movements in an attack. No example that I have seen shows troop movements between your cities, or your troops to and from a tambo. Nor have I seen an example of a Nahual report showing troop movements from an allied tambo to yours.