•…ypufdrHCUxabohrmtNJ_gD5SU - the real proportions of the battle, the new dead server from the beginning

    Whoever came up with the idea to merge "special" servers with normal servers should be fired immediately. Who in their right mind can believe that putting one server where you can do 12 barbarians per day - which BTW can have even more resources than the highest regular ones on barbarian servers - together with a server where you can only do max 6 per day?

    Purely from that, it is more than 10 Million Stone, 10 Million Obsi and 5 Million Coacoa more resources on one vs. the other server. Per DAY! That server ran for 1.5 years, so roughly 540 days. You can do the math yourself.
    Not to mention that with this increased amount of resources, you can build your own resource buildings much higher, giving you yet more resources compared to the normal servers. And that you can get much more resources by raiding others because they do the same.

    Also very odd that in this group, there was only 1 country-specific server (normal server) while there was another group with 3 country-specific servers (FR, EN and something else, I forgot). Why not simply merge the 4 country-specific ones into one?

    Again, very bad decision, both commercially and from a player perspective. I hope more than just me will learn their lesson from this and completely quit this game.

  • la culpa es del jugador en si mismo, si ellos no hubieran puesto sus tropas en ese tambo solo caia ЙØØ߀®₡ ya que de otra manera los otros jugadores nunca pudieron ser atacados por mi, no se como juegan en tu server pero de donde vengo jugando es mala idea usar defensa basada solo en tambo, antes de la fusion debiste investigar como estaban en otros servers y pensar si tiene 4 veces mas que nuestro top, el uso del tambo no nos ayudara y usaban el método de viajes para salvar tropas, que es mas seguro, se les agradece ya que gracias a su defensa este ataque planificado quedo en el top 1 de tentlan, lastima que mi nombre no salga en la lista pero ya hice otros ataques tops, asi que no le echen la culpa al sistema es tu culpa de no preveer esta posibilidad debido a que en tu server has tenido un juego pacifico

  • Whoever came up with the idea to merge "special" servers with normal servers should be fired immediately. Who in their right mind can believe that putting one server where you can do 12 barbarians per day - which BTW can have even more resources than the highest regular ones on barbarian servers - together with a server where you can only do max 6 per day?
    Purely from that, it is more than 10 Million Stone, 10 Million Obsi and 5 Million Coacoa more resources on one vs. the other server. Per DAY! That server ran for 1.5 years, so roughly 540 days. You can do the math yourself.
    Not to mention that with this increased amount of resources, you can build your own resource buildings much higher, giving you yet more resources compared to the normal servers. And that you can get much more resources by raiding others because they do the same.

    Also very odd that in this group, there was only 1 country-specific server (normal server) while there was another group with 3 country-specific servers (FR, EN and something else, I forgot). Why not simply merge the 4 country-specific ones into one?

    Again, very bad decision, both commercially and from a player perspective. I hope more than just me will learn their lesson from this and completely quit this game.

    la vida no es justa no es que el server estaba desproporcionado es que el jugador era desproporcionado, si ves la diferencia entre el 1 y el 2 del server antiguo veras que hay mas del doble de puntos desde mas de medio año estaba a punto de salir del server pero la motivacion de la fusion es lo que animaba a seguir armandome con la esperanza de lograr el top cosa que logre, ahora a seguir jugando y crecer y esperar una nueva fusion y ver que pasa