Posts by Pilar

    Morning all!

    I would like to know if you are working on creating an app that would make the game much simpler and would definitely increase the number of players.

    I share the suggestion of Lord Sauron.
    In other war games there are buildings to keep the troops hiding for a time of varying hours whose troop capability increases with the rise of the building level. Or there is the possibility of defending the troops or keeping them hidden in the garrisons.

    Why can not I see the troops of a player who only has one of my top espionage? If the number of spies increases, the spies die. Is there a way to have a complete spy report or do I have to compete with espionage?

    "I turni in questo server durano 5 mesi. Questo primo turno sia resettato ad Ottobre. "

    Potete spiegare meglio questo punto?

    Il punteggio viene azzerato?
    Le truppe e le costruzioni e il numero delle citta pure azzerato?
    La diaposizione nella mappa sara casuale o le capitali resteranno nella stessa locazione del primo round?

    Everything will be restarted after 5 months, this is a server with a beginning and an end per round. No options for destroying buildings yet, if it's not listed in the original post it's not in there, but we note the feedback.

    No new info Pilar, but you'll be able to play in Tenochtitlan in Italian if you wish.

    I was wondering if I could give the news of the new server with its explanations, even in the Italian forum ;)

    como lo sitalianos que llegaron al español y usaron la estrategia de tambo de 10k que albergaba a 6 jugadores de 200 k mas, por suerte ya cambio eso

    "Escamotage" para defenderse de los jugadores más fuertes que nosotros como usted o Perseus con sus ejércitos de gatos azzerereste a una tribu entera en un soplo. :)
    En el servidor italiano normalmente defiende juntos por un tambo come un jugadore fuerte ;)
    Pero el servidor italiana no es tan gran disparidad en las puntuaciones de la liga...

    With this week's event you got into trouble for two reasons:
    1 the time is halved but the consumption of food has remained the same
    2 to cover the night hours I had to slow down the march by spending 10 turquoise.
    Conclusion: Awful event in my opinion.

    Las reglas son las mismas para todos, independientemente de la posición.Los ataques repetidos sin encontrar tropas o recursos están en contra de las reglas.Es s todo documentado y apoyar la sanción decidió.

    Ps también me hace reír mucho que una emboscada en el borde del mapa a ser atacado por cualquier persona.

    y 'que regolamnetare que un jugador ataca a otro jugador pasar por las tropas de su tribu y otros jugadores extratribu, con Ajaw amuleto?

    En qs lo que hay dos irregularidades:

    1 ataques conjuntos deben ser realizadas por tambo
    2 beneficio de Ajaw amuleto cae sobre todos los jugadores y no sólo de aquellos que han comprado.