Reminder: Only a few more days left of The Bacabs' Crystals

  • Dear Ahaus,

    We hope you had a great start into the new year :) This is just a friendly reminder to let you know that The Bacabs' Crystals will end on January 8th 23:59 CET, as it was originally planned. After the event is over, the following will happen:

    • Any remaining unused crystals will not be accessible, but will be remembered for future events.
    • Nahuals and Amazon Warriors won't be recruitable (but any units recruited before will stick around, i.e. you will still be able to use Nahuals to spy your opponents activity provided you have them)
    • The Kantepec and Oracle feasts won't be available (but the effects of any active feast will continue as normal)

    Don't hesitate to ask in the forums if you have any questions about the event's end. Other than that, have fun and make sure to make the best of these last few days that remain! ;)

    Your Tentlan Team