[Wrong text]: "Hints" and "Notifications" Setting with italian translation

  • Description: when i'm testing on the beta, I click on the "Settings" button on the main menu of the game, here the game shows a new window where there are more options, here if i scroll on the down, i can see the last of these options which have more wrong text into italian language (Screenshot 1)
    If i change into english language, this language don't have any problem (Screenshot 2)

    1.a)Wrong text: "Consiglio"
    Right text: "Suggerimenti"

    1.b)Wrong text: "Monstrare i consigli e piste in gioco"
    Right text: "Mostra i consigli e i suggerimenti in gioco"

    1.c)Wrong text: "Mostrare le notifiche mentre la scheda/la finestra di Tentlan è inattiva."
    Right text: Mostra le notifiche del browser mentre la scheda/finestra di Tentlan è inattiva."

    Server: Beta
    Nickname: etms51
    Browser: Google Chrome v. 64.0.3282.167 (Build ufficiale) (a 64 bit)
    Flash player version: WIN
    OS:Windows 10 Pro
    Size Monitor:1980x1020 (Fullscreen)
    Monitor: AMD Radeon HD 7670

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