Ability to make in-game buddies

  • Is it possible to set up an option where a player can add another player as a buddy in-game.
    The idea behind this is that if someone is a buddy then one cannot attack that player. This is in effect a personal non-aggression pact. Even if two Alliances are at war with one another if two players on opposing camps are buddies then the would not be able to attack each other.

    Also this will allow someone to protect one's Buddy by protecting them in an attack by sending troops to their Tambo (once the Tambo feature is developed).

    I do assume that a player cannot attack a fellow tribe member.

  • It's maybe me but I can't understand why this would be needed. Surely if two players don't wish to attack each other they simply don't do it? I guess I'm missing something - it wouldn't be the first time!

  • It's maybe me but I can't understand why this would be needed. Surely if two players don't wish to attack each other they simply don't do it? I guess I'm missing something - it wouldn't be the first time!

    Well yes one could not attack one another but this also allows one to group defend a player who is not in your TRIBE.

  • I think in-game buddies could have their use cases, for example to know if a buddy not on your tribe is online. It's currently not a priority but we keep it in mind for future updates.