A contest, just for fun

  • Let's have a limerick contest. :!:

    For anyone who doesn't already know, a limerick is a special form of 5-line poem, usually humourous or with a twist, and a particular rhythm. Here is a good explanation with some examples. http://examples.yourdictionary.com/limerick-examples.html

    1. It has to have a Tentlan theme, but can be about any aspect.
    2. Normal Tentlan rules about respect, bad language etc apply.
    3. Entries are done by reply to this thread.
    4. Enter as often as you like.
    5. Give your limerick a title so it can be listed in the poll.

    Contest closes midnight Sat Sept 9. Winner will be decided by poll, which will go up Sun Sept 10 or as soon after as I can manage.

    Alas, I have no way of awarding any kind of prize to the winner. Let your reward be the joy of creation and the amusement you afford your fellows. Write on!

  • My first entry:

    There once was a player named Blimey
    Who cried "People keep trying to spy me!
    Though I have a high wall
    It's not helping at all,
    And those sneaky spies keep sneaking by me!"

  • the limmerick contest on tentlan is over,
    past yesterday the midnight hour.
    so what here is one from me,
    for the sake of fun guys of you and me.
    for prizes amazon count me not.

  • All right, I have absolutely no idea how to create a poll, though I'm sure I saw a button for it a few days ago.
    So since there were only entries within the deadline, and one of them was mine, I nominate Captain B's limerick the winner. Take a bow, Captain B!

  • ok i am going to stretch this a bit.
    fact is i have an issue and support has not replied yet..

    there is a sundari, a beautiful lass
    has cities; between mine own they pass.
    it is a pity she is inactive now;
    passing our gates we could have sat down
    for tea and snacks on a golden dawn.

    since she is inactive, my wish is that the cities could be removed, so that nothing comes between my cities...

  • All right, I have absolutely no idea how to create a poll, though I'm sure I saw a button for it a few days ago.
    So since there were only entries within the deadline, and one of them was mine, I nominate Captain B's limerick the winner. Take a bow, Captain B!

    Thank you Amazon. Shame more didn't get involved but thank you for trying :)

  • OK ksunni, let's keep the ball rolling :)
    On the support issue, I believe that no one ever gets deleted, despite being inactive. There are pros and cons to this of course, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for those cities to disappear.

  • camp in the tambo

    there's is a building tambo called
    inside the tentlan city fold.
    it is giving me and my tribe's fellows good,
    sleepless nights mates, all be told.
    just learning how to camp in the tambo.