Better headings on attack reports

  • When you spy a barbarian, the heading says "Spy report of [coords] name of barbarian city". This is good.
    When you attack a barbarian, the heading says "Battle report: Player vs barbarians". There is nothing to tie it to the previous spy report until you display the full report. Why not have it say ""Battle report: Player vs barbarians [coords] name of barbarian city"?

    On a similar note, when spying a player, the heading says "Spy report of [coords] city name".
    When attacking a player, the heading says "Battle report: Player vs player". Again, at first glance there is no connection between the two reports.

    It would be better if both spy reports and battle reports headings included the coords, city name and player name.

    When I use the word "heading" I am referring also to the subject in the inbox.