Number of Quipucamayoc

  • Dear Team,

    In the description of Quipucamayoc it says that you should have 10 per unit to get full support +30%, is it right or it's 1 for 10 unit...
    It makes a lot of Quipucamayoc for 500 unit (5000 units)... is it right ?

    Kind Regards...

  • Hi Criocaps, you need 10 Quipucamayoc per unit to get the full bonus of 30%.
    True, if you send, for example, 10,000 lancers, then you'll need a lot of Quipucamayoc, which wouln'd be optimal. Still, if you use Quipucamayoc to support more advanced units like jaguar warriors or atlants, then you wouldn't need that many Quipucamayoc, while the advantage of sending them (30% of additional strength) would mean a significant increase in the overall strength of such units.

  • Would not 1 Quipucayamoc per every 5 units be more reasonable and cost effective for the player?! After all in the real world you have so many health workers for every so many patients.

  • Gaviotta, M0H0,

    To make it more close to a real world situation (even if we are in a game, i know) you can maybe make them cost more (as specialist it's normal at the end) and then have a more understandable quota / ratio ?

  • 10 per unit is ridiculous, reverse that maybe and if you must, lessen the bonus effect they give.... to even things out a bit ..... never mind the logisitics of sending out an army to atk someone that has been a problem to another tribe member ... but the corn value to do so would be prohibitive... these figures would never had existed in the real mayan battles either, so its just a unworkable thing... which has in fact made them obsolete, as no- one actually uses them at all, due to their ineffectiveness.