Nahual bug?

  • Hi, there is this picture in the FAQ area, when player use Nahual for spy mission:

    But when I tried to use Nahual, I receive incomplete information without time and troops information:

    Where is the problem?

  • Se não foi hoje amanhã será. Se não for amanhã, um dia hà-de ser. A paciência é uma das maiores virtudes do ser humano,tenha calma, e espere sua vez de vencer… O mundo dá voltas, aqui você cai,logo ali se levanta.
    William Shakespeare

  • But I have another question.

    For example: I dont know how many nahuals are in the moving troop from the opponent city, so I decided to sent ten nahuals for spy mision.
    Opponent have six nahuals in the moving troop, so I received detailed information. But how many nahuals will die in this spy mission? 1, 7 or 10?