the cost of cities

  • hi

    can the devs not do something about the cost of cities and what is needed. just looking at one thing amber stone 133 need for level 10 this is a hug amount and very frustrating. please please please do something about the cost, i have been working for along time to try and get 10 i would have better chance to climb the tallest mount

    grimm :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

  • Noted, we hear you, we are looking into making modifications. As I mentioned earlier in another thread we didn't plan for +10 cities, hence why the costs are bit steep.

  • Yeah that's four months. I read that you've done the programming for 15 cities, so...I'm just starting on my 8th but I've been having fun with aspects of the building. Like I said in another thread this is a great game.

  • Noted, we hear you, we are looking into making modifications. As I mentioned earlier in another thread we didn't plan for +10 cities, hence why the costs are bit steep.

    lol a bit steep 320 ambers for 12th is more than steep

    not to mention 50.8 mill lime 25.4 million obsid 38.1 million cacao

  • I have that problem also. I want to upgrade for 12 aswell but theire is so much amber needed. Is theire a plan to lower the ammount needed?

    Edited 2 times, last by Bert ().

  • 320 ambers!! So at the present rate of supply of one a day, that's waiting about 10 months before the upgrade.
    Are there any other games which make you wait nearly a year to take a step, ? (besides paying about £30 as an alternative.
    Surely there a way of linking the hours time spent by the player to the rate of reward(s), perhaps any building upgrade could also be rewarded with cumulative fractional amber rewards.

  • Depends what the 'wants' are perhaps? Perhaps like, "I want to build more cities"?
    For some, one of the game attractions is developing new and managing a wide resource base.
    It makes for a very challenging spreadsheet and sound middle management!!

    Your wants from the game are met, perhaps, but maybe the wider the game variables, the greater the potential interest, and the rate of decay in player abandonment is reduced.

  • Yeah finally ready for building all resources collected and the warehouse extended.

    Needed for lvl 12
    Stone 86,365,178
    Obsidian 43,182,588
    Cacao 64,773,883
    Food 67,858,353
    Amber 496